Cultivate Conference
Home gardeners, farmers, tree changers, educators, parents, home schoolers, young people - whether you're an absolute beginner with a brown thumb, planning your move to the country, an experienced agriculturalist, or just interested in the healthiest of lifestyles - this conference is for you.

D'Sozo Camp WA
D'Sozo camp is a very unique opportunity for youth to be involved in mission service. The primary focus of camp is christian help-work, music production, canvassing (literature evangelism) and door-to-door community surveys.

Canvassing Program
For any young person, 15+ who would like to experience front-line mission work with an evangelistic team of like-minded young people.

LE Advance
The LE Advance (we shouldn't be retreating right 😀) is a week-long retreat, designed to help advance Literature Evangelism in Australia.
Join us for inspiring messages, some hiking recreation, awesome fellowship with other LEs and more!

Latest News
Your Grandfather Nebuchadnezzar! - Program Update
The Entrance of God's Word at The Entrance
Blessings Flow in NNSW
Prayers Answered in America
Fires Threaten the Eastward Team
D'Sozo Camp WA 2019
Music Camp 2019
Starting Over
People Power

Masters of Fresh
Fresh. Flavourful. Spray Free. Guaranteed!
Our energetic garden team is committed to supplying our community with fresh, healthy and locally grown produce. Each week, our customers have the opportunity to purchase from a thriving grower's market or have their orders home delivered by our friendly staff.
Eastward Media
Professional Uplifting Videos
We believe that media is one of the tools that will help us reach the entire world in fulfilment of the great commission. Each year Music Camp participants and production team produce beautiful music videos filmed in nature, designed to encourage and inspire.

Eastward exists to be of service to our community and to inspire & train others in service.
We provide opportunities for front-line mission experiences here on Australian soil.