Eastward Missions
~ creating opportunities for education and evangelism ~

Meet the Team
We are a closely knit team of families and young adults, with different skills, ministry experience and background. Each team member has unique life-experience to draw on in assisting to further God's work here at Eastward.
All Eastward members and youth leaders are Seventh-day Adventists in good and regular standing, and are actively involved in their local churches.
The 'Mission'
We are a youth-fueled ministry focused on taking the gospel to the world, and training others in missionary service. Our focus areas are literature evangelism, music, agriculture and youth camps.
Historically we provided missionary training in several locations, training an estimated 70 students in various lay-evangelism training courses.
Our Vision:
Every church member connected with Christ, active in evangelism, experiencing and proclaiming the gospel, and preparing the world for Christ’s return.

Supporting Our Church
The Eastward Team are passionate followers of Jesus Christ and members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Our approach gives us opportunities to supply programs to individuals and to churches in a totally complementary manner. We seek to emulate Madison College and other institutions that have had a positive impact on SDA mission by working closely with local Conferences and churches to provide training and outreach opportunities.
We support SDA churches through canvassing (LE) programs, health expos, musical concerts and community outreach (service projects, etc.) to help promote local churches and their ministry to their community.

The Property
The Eastward property and all infrastructure is owned by the EASTWARD UNIT TRUST established by the trustee EASTWARD PROPERTIES PTY LTD, (ACN 117 057 066).
A market garden is established at our rural property with the aim to provide income for Eastward staff and activities. In 2016 - 2017 the market garden proved financially successful, opening the way for further expansion.

(President / Industry Director)
Emmanuel is happily married and is excited to serve the Lord together with his wife Liesl.

Rod Bailey
(Agriculture Director)
Rod has been with Eastward from the very start in 2003. Prior to joining the team, he and his wife Desley started and successfully ran a health retreat in Western Australia, called 'Shalem'.
Rod is a gifted teacher, and enjoys teaching natural remedies, Bible and agriculture subjects. He has a background in agriculture and is currently working hard at building a market-garden industry on our property at Rollands Plains. He also works hard, along with Alex Murchison, to plan and implement stages of development on the Eastward property. Rod can be found outdoors in the garden, doing deliveries of fresh produce, helping people in the community or spending time with his wife and six children.
Rod and Desley and their family live in the manager's residence, and help maintain the Eastward property.

(Finance Director)
Paul has been working with Eastward for more than 10 years at keeping Eastward's books up to date. He is a qualified accountant, working hard behind the scenes to make ends meet.
Paul and his wife Sharon also run an important (and growing) foods industry for Eastward (called Eastward Foods). Eastward Foods does monthly home deliveries of health foods between Taree and Kempsey on the east-coast of NNSW. The business averages about a 100 customers each month and provides income for staff and for Eastward's ministry activities.
Paul and Sharon live about 45 minutes south of Eastward at Coralville, between Port Macquarie and Taree.

Tim Hopkins
(Outreach Director & Canvassing Leader)
Tim has a passion for the canvassing work, and enjoys taking books door-to-door. If he is not doing that or spending time in his tree nursery at Eastward, he is at home with his family at Launching Place, Victoria. Tim takes a leading role in Eastward's canvassing programs, and teaches youth how to canvass using the 'magabook' style of canvassing.
Tim studied at Wildwood College of Health Evangelism in the US, and strives to see Eastward become a similar college, modelled after the blueprint of true education seen in the historic Madison Institute (1904-1963).
Tim spends a lot of his time abroad canvassing, and visiting different churches to inspire them with the LE work and the vision for true education.

Andy Hopkins
(Canvassing Leader)
Andy (Tim's identical twin), shares the same passion for canvassing and agriculture. Together they have planted 70+ Jacaranda trees along the driveway, 50+ Pecan trees as an orchard, and quite a number of other ornamental trees on the Eastward property. Their nursery is bursting with plants ready to go in the ground!
Andy also studied at the Wildwood College of Health Evangelism, and spends his time travelling and canvassing with Tim and helping run and lead our canvassing programs.

Jylan Wynne
(Public Relations Director / Canvassing Leader)
Jylan is a computer tech, graphics, social media and web expert with a love for literature evangelism and soul-winning. He enjoys hiking (ideally large mountains), climbing, Bible study & scripture memorisation, and photographing the team's adventures.
Whistling medleys is his favourite day-to-day musical contribution.

Alex Murchison
Alex has contributed much to Eastward in maintaining machinery, in construction projects and helping plan and implement the development of our property. Alex is an electrician by trade, and has a very innovative and practical mind. He enjoys working with machines, installing solar equipment and spending time with his children.
Alex and Susan and their 4 children live in Rollands Plains about 5 minutes from the Eastward property.

Scott Thomas-Tong
Scott joined the Eastward team in 2011 after attending our training program the previous year. His time at Eastward was a life-changing experience, which turned his focus from the corporate world to a ministry/mission focus.
Scott enjoys spending time with his wife Tania, and their three beautiful children.
Scott and his family live in Rollands Plains about 5 minutes further down the valley.