What has Eastward Been Up To?

Thursday June 14 – We traveled to the lovely Tumbarumba area at the base of the foothills to the famous and romantic Snowy Mountains. I swapped families and went to reside with my Grandparents and family in the charming village of Humula while my other family (pretend) continued in to Tumbarumba it’s self where they stayed in the caravan park there.
Friday June 15 – This morning we went in to Tumbarumba and, while the children played on the concrete skate park and playground, we ‘grown ups’ chatted and froze over the weekend’s program. Then went home and cousin Emma came over to visit for the afternoon and evening.
Sabbath June 16 – Ran the program for a very small audience! Smallest yet! Went ok despite funny sound systems! Went home with Seaghdha (my cousin) and stayed up till about 11.
Sunday June 17 – Had a great morning with Seaghdha playing around their place although we didn’t get up till like 9:30 so there wasn’t really that much time by the time we cooked lunch and everything. Then we went in to town at about 1 and got ‘ready’ for a cooking dem that I had to do. I did it (took about 1 minute. I could NOT think of anything else to say!) and then we went for a walk down town for the rest of the afternoon until they serve lunch which is when we conveniently reappeared! Lol
Went home with Seaghdha again and slept in the hay shed! That was the awesomest! We shared a king single swag and watched a movie and then talked till about 2am! So awesome!
Monday June 18 – Mum came out to pick us up sometime around 10 or something and we went in to the park again for a while and then I left for Mansfield with the Ings and the Thomas-Tongs. The three hour trip took forever coz we were trying to collect warm gear for the snow along the way. Got to the really snazzy resort place about 11 and got the kids into bed. Russ and I were really hungry so once the kids were in bed we fed ourselves some two-minute noodles! Lol we went to bed about 12.
Had an awefull night’s sleep with Amy in the double bed because she kicked me all night and ended up across the bed the wrong way lol! On top of me!
Tuesday June 19 – Wished I could sleep in this morning but Elise was awake early as usual. This morning I played mini golf for the first time. That was cool as! Had a ball playing with Scotty.
The boys (Dave, Daniele and James) came down this morning and then we played golf again in the afternoon and then, of all things, we had a sauna and a spa! All free! God blesses when you work for Him hey! IT was an extra blessing because we were all sick at the time and it really helped to clear us out and make us feel better all together.
Tonight the most exciting thing that has happened on our trip for me occurred:
“Tuesday June 19 2012 – 9:12pm
About five minutes ago I had the most exciting thing happen yet on this trip. I was sitting on the lounge in our little chalet with Russ next to me and Mumzies on another chair in the room, typing quietly and minding our own business. Suddenly, there was a soft roaring sound and the lounge began to rock and wobbled. I looked around me, startled, even though I knew immediately what it was. An earthquake! Just what I have always wanted to experience! I looked around at Mumzies and Russ and saw the same surprised and incredulous expression that I felt I was wearing. In just a short moment, it was all over and the roaring died away. “Was that an earthquake?” Was the question I asked straight away even though I knew it was. “Was it?” was the reply, with wide eyes. This is when my eyes started to shine and I started to get excited. It was! But just to be sure that we weren’t imagining things, we went across to where Tany and Dave were reading and, knocking on the door opened it and went quietly inside. “Are you scared?” Dave asked.
“No.” We replied, “Just wondering if we are still sane.”
So it was an earthquake and I am so excited still that I can hardly think of sleep but sleep I must. So I shall hopefully dream of earthquakes, or, even better, wake up to another one!”
Wednesday June 20 – Today was the big day for all of us. We finally made it to the snow! Up on Mt Buller, not much snow had actually fallen but they had been making snow so there was enough for us all to tobogan on and have an massive snow ball fight. The highlight of my day was definatly getting snow down some certain people’s necks but the fight had it’s greviences too. I copped a hard one right on the face and then I woke up this morning with a bruise on my behind from one that Daniele threw. All in all the day was a huge success. We had just gotten back and were getting lunch when the rest of my family turned up. We quickly sent them up the mountain with our all-day hired gear and they got back while we were having another sauna and spa that evening.
Scott, Russ, Janelle and Tany had a long meeting tonight so the boys and I hung out in Scotty’s chalet looking after the little boys and putting them to sleep. We went to bed late again.
Thursday June 21 – That was today. We were on the move early this morning coz we officially had to be out at 10pm but we wanted to get on the move as soon as possible. Well we ended up leaving at 9:50. Fail.
When we got to Melbourne we went to Knox City shopping centre and had a bit of a look around and a bit of lunch to keep us going until we got to our abode and could heat some food up. It was totally a shock for us coming from the little country towns and as Russ said “My country brain isn’t coping!”. We had to get out of there as quick as we could.
When we got to the caravan park we are staying in we had another shock in store. Coming from five star luxury to this is not what I would term fun but oh well. The place smells like smoke and there is no dishwasher or bathmat and there is mould in the bathroom but we will survive. Like it or not.
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