Monday the 11th

Well we had a ball yesterday! We didn’t actually get to go and touch snow but we did see some from a distance. It was really pretty.
First we went to the Red Stag Deer Farm where the ostriches and raindeer were the attractions. We had heaps of fun. There were about 26 of us in our group and it was awesome just hanging out, taking pictures and being together.
Then we continued up to Bright where we had lunch and then played playground chasy on a massive playground with all the big kids. As a result, I’m had it!!! My legs (and arms for some reason) are giving my strife today!
After we were worn out we went up toward Mt Buffalo where there was a beautiful creek that some of us rock-hopped up and the rest went up a path to a big waterfall.
Finally, when we thought we were going home, everyone pulled over and there was yet another park that they wanted to play at. Nearly everyone hopped out and began to play chasy yet again!!! I couldn’t believe it! I was had it so Mumzies and I stayed in the car and watched and talked about food.
We were all in bed and asleep by 8:30!
Today we are heading out to do the op shops in Albury-Wodonga and then having lunch together at the Albury park. We are looking forward to yet another great day!
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